Monthly Archives: June 2012

SUCCESS-FAILURE – A Spritual Approach

This season saw the stocks selling out at abetter pace than last year. Image2011 was a bit disappointing one so manufacturers played safe and produced less stock than previous years.
We were one of them too. Being also in retail we had to buy more stocks from the market than we usually did. The markets were empty so we had to search for more manufacturers than the ones with who we do dealings on regular basis.
In this process we found out 2 very great people. Their work was really very very good, nothing like keeping in the museum, but saleable, beautiful. ImageTheir stitch quality and fit quality was also commendable. They worked away from the markets so more retailers had not reached them by now.
Their stocks which we put up in our stores did not move. People used to praise them but did not buy them.
By the information we were given, the product from the first party was monopoly, nobody else in the market had them.  But it was so because he wanted his payments to be cleared much ahead of the other firms we used to deal with. As per our knowledge we were purchasing all the stocks he was making, but was secretly selling to other parties too. He played with our faith that we had on him.
The second party’s goods were caught being sold at our competitor’s store. Our prices were cheaper then too our stocks were not moving a bit, whereas this person was selling those day in and day out with a better price. This dealer in question swore that it was not his goods and it was found out to be right too. There was a friend of his whose stocks he was copying. His friends stocks were selling like hot cakes, his did not budge an inch.
Their intentions were not good. The slow sales, or no sales, of their products which we were witnessing had nothing to do with our karma. Their karmic factors were affecting us.
These intentions make you fail or succeed in life. Therefore the people who say their goods are not moving is because their intentions are not clear, at least this is what I have understood from this episode. ImageOne has to be very truthful in his dealings specially in the business he is doing.
The second thing I learnt is – Make Your Own Path. Let others follow you if you have to be or become a leader in your field. Copying and inspiration are two different words and have clearly different meanings. Cheating your friend is a great offense, Have Fear of God.