Monthly Archives: August 2012



The creative mind of a designer is always thinking, his eyes ever watchful to grab some idea from whatever he sees, be it fabric, print, antique, pictures, carving on roofs, pillars and walls of old monuments, etc.
His continious search and experimentation costs him his time and money. Many pieces have to be discarded in the process of making and of the twenty pieces if he carries say four pieces to a seller, its not very sure that he’ll like all the four.
Of the four say one is selected, the seller puts his label / name on it, though its not always the same case. The label / brand gets the chunk share in profits if the piece is appreciated by a buyer, and why musn’t they. Many designers are poor to the level that they cannot build brand, store or even organise a show in which their creation is made visible to the buyer by these big brands.
Now to carry our journey forward, all people invited to a fashion show are not always buyers or media men. There are business people who wish to copy and gain from these showcased designs.
These people are the ones who carry the fashion forward by bulk production and sales. The designer forgets all the pain and suffering he has gone through when he sees his next door girl who he cares for the most is wearing something he had designed 2 3 years back.

Its many a times referred here to as him, his, etc. instead of she, her, etc; it must not be undersdood as a gender specific. If it has hurt anyone’s sentiments, i apologize.