Monthly Archives: February 2014

2013 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 960 times in 2013. If it were a cable car, it would take about 16 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

It is a constant search for a buyer of something new, nothing wrong with it. But if it becomes a catch-phrase or if it becomes a habit, it becomes painful for the buyer, his accomplice(s) and partner(s) alongwith the seller.

I came across a friend of mine who wanted to buy a property. Nothing was coming up to her taste. The things which even came near her choice were either too costly or were far from the place of her work making it difficult for sending & fetching her child to and from his school.

During this period i came across a book by Osho – Voice of Silence


Here are some excerpts :

Our senses have become numb….Whatever we receive through them becomes dead. Food on the plate looks beautiful: the minute it enters your mouth it becomes ordinary. Music becomes mundane when it enters your ears. Flowers lose their beauty when seen through your eyes.

We make everything ordinary – whereas everything in this world is extraordinary. The flower you see on a tree has never blossomed before. It is absolutely new. It is impossible to find another flower like it on this earth. It has never existed before and it will never exist again in the future….that flower has no idea of the existence of thousands of other flowers.

i tell you my own experience, my landlord always mocks about girls who were really beautiful but in finding a perfect life partner, had missed the bus. “VOLVO बस ढूंढते – ढूंढ़ते इनकी सरकारी बस भी छूट गयी है “, he would say.


I do not agree that one must mock at a fellow human being but it refers to what i want to say here. Some of my own clients wish to see more & more, they visit all our stores in search of a perfect piece. Some are even more energetic, they surf our sites if they have missed out on something. At the end of their selection they see that their selected piece has been sold out.




It is aptly said:

मैं एक व्यापारी,

व्यापार मेरा कर्म,

दूकान मेरा मंदिर,

ग्राहक मेरा देवता,

ग्राहक का संतोष,

यह ही मेरा प्रसाद|

What are the main fundamentals of any religion?

  • History
  • Cultural System
  • Belief
  • Worship / Prayer
  • Views
  • Ethics
  • Laws
  • Life Style
  • Holy Place
  • Deity / God
  • Rituals / Sermons
  • Set of Duties
  • Public Service
  • Art and finally
  • AttainmentLets’ take it point by point:

    History of business is almost as old as the start of humanity (not human race). We have been trading and bartering from the start of any civilization.

    It is almost always the same Cultural System, Ethics, Laws & Point of View that every individual in this religion follows be it any part of the globe. Some are different. They are known as pioneers or leaders. And there are some who do not follow these. They are not known as business people. They may be referred to as cheats.

    Belief in their own selves, their hard work and belief on the hard work of the people they employ and above all their belief that they have purchased their goods at a good bargain whether they will make good profit out of it or not.

    A business person does and must Worship the person who gives money for him, his family and his / her business to keep going, i.e. his customer.

    Life Style of every business person is the same. The working hours, duties, styles, working environments, etc. are all almost the same

    Holy Place is and must be his place of work. It can be a shop for a shopkeeper, an office for a company or studio for a painter or photographer.

    Deity / God is same as Worship

    Business meetings for increasing production or increasing team output are the Rituals / Sermons of this religion.

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  • Set of Duties of this religion is to punctuality, cleanliness of workplace & staff, caring for customers, care of the movement of goods, manpower management & other business related relations’ management including those with suppliers.


    These people are the first and open hearted when the matter comes of Public Service. One must have definitely come across these set of people who have donated generously in times of natural calamities and wars.

    When the people who are following this religion get into their religion (read work) so much deeper that it becomes an Art, it finally takes them to the level of Attainment, be it monetary or socially or spiritually.

    There is no Hindu, no Muslim or any followers of all other religions in this religion of BUSINESS