Monthly Archives: May 2014

A society without business people is a dead society

One of my cousins who is also a normal businessman, was very keen on admission of his child in a reputed school in the preparatory class. This is the first class in which a child gets admitted to that concerned school.
There are 3-4 reputed schools in my city. Every parent who has slightest of repute or money in his / her pockets wants his / her child to get admitted in these schools. So the competition is very hard. If all those 3-4 school seats are combined, it will add to approximately 1,000 – 1,200 seats and the forms which are distributed are around 40,000. There are 80,000 parents waiting just to get these 40,000 forms.

These 40,000 parents who are lucky enough to get these forms start day dreaming that their son / daughter is admitted to the concerned school. They should be. Every son / daughter is the best amongst others in the eyes of a parent.
These aforesaid schools publish 2 lists of parents with their son / daughter for one on one meeting with the Principal or the office bearer concerned. Parents wait for their names in these lists. Lucky ones get to meet the Principal.

Thenafter 4 lists are displayed one by one in intervals of 7-10 days, 12-15days and finally after day 30 from the date of the 1st list.

This has to be done. The 1st list contains names of really talented boys / girls. When bigger personalities like the I.A.S. and other higher level people of the governments, emminent doctors and other eminent personalities put pressure that their sons / daughters must be selected, the 2nd list is put up on the notice board of the school.

The 3rd list comes out if the school still has vacancy (though it is always commented that ‘we are done’ even after the 1st list).

The 4th list comprises of names of sons / daughters of business people who can pay well as donations to the school. This way no one can blame the school that they do not entertain businessmen while also sucking funds from them.

If i look at schools’ side, they too are not wrong, they cannot be blamed much.

It is human nature. i give you an example. i had to pay Rs.20/- to a rickshaw wallah. i had 3 notes of Rs.20/-. i gave the more soiled note to the rickshaw wallah. The other 2 were also not new but were better than the one i gave him. i progressed and bought something for Rs.30/-, the better looking notes were also spent in just 2-3 minutes i spent the first note. Same is with the school authorities. They have a power of choice. They can select the best for their school when they have so much open options.

Look to the classifieds in the newspapers, you’ll find in the to-let column ‘only bank employees or MNCs or people with transferable jobs’ which analysed says ‘no businessman’. If you do not agree with me, call them up and they will surely say to you clearly and openly – no businessmen.

This can be compared to Muslim film stars not getting properties in posh areas where Hindus and people of other religion reside.

Are we untouchables. No. No because all these so called dhanna seths of the society come to us for availing our services or products. Many deposit their money with us as investment as they know we are better in this field than them.

A businessman, all his life has to pay, pay and pay to get what he wants. His wanting comprises of fame through charities to religious buildings such as mandirs / ashrams or mazjids, etc. and / or functions such as satsangs and bhandaras and / or charities to various hospitals to name a few.

While in the process of earning more & more to meet these investments / expenses, some of my business community friends forget the judicial permissible line to do business and get to the hand of the judicial system. Here too, as in many cases from history, pays and gets released.

The whole government and its machinery is dependent on us for progress.

Seeing this step motherly treatment from the society many of my friends, i see, are keeping their business as an option for their children closed. They want them to study and become people whose child gets instant admission, can get a house on rent when he wants, does not cross the judicial line for earning, etc. etc.

Seeing a society without businessmen creates a dead vision. We are part of this society, we have a major role in the economy, we play a major part in the lives of each and every person around us. We are the ones who contribute generously to religious activities.

One cannot see life without us as do we without others.

तुम ही तुम हो , तो क्या तुम हो ?
हमी हम हैं, तो क्या हम हैं ?