Monthly Archives: March 2015

“Why this dress so expensive looks very simple” – a question posted by an online client


The dress is expensive for those who consider this as a garment. Actually Chikan (or Chikankari, which is its full name) is an art. As you well know that art is priceless, the price lies in the eyes of the person who sees it in his / her capacity.
You see, I see many paintings from world renowned painters but am unable to understand why they are for 3cr or 5cr .
Now regarding the product :
The material used is pure silk georgette imported from Italy. The Indian or Arabian georgettes, when dyed, do not display the bright shade as in the sample, they’re somewhat dull. Also they are heavier.
Secondly, The embroidery is the top-most which you can get in Lucknow. There are only 5-8 people like KRISHNA who attempt and sell (I say here attempt & sell because the people who make much better than us do it to satisfy their souls, their products generally do not sell or sell so slowly that they stop the attempt to make more). There are manufacturers who are just worried for sales so they compromise with the quality & workmanship by employing child labour and artisans who are in the learning period. Keeping in mind the customers’ budget, they compromise with fabric quality also.
The 5-8 manufacturers like KRISHNA are gifted by God for niche customers like yourself where we have just one aim in mind – to take it ( Chikankari) to the highest level possible.
I thank you for your question because if I was able to satisfy you, I know that I have made one more lover of Chikankari.
Thanks once again for your question.