Monthly Archives: February 2016

Complainers will remain complainers

Firstly, i wish to convey that KRISHNA is neither affiliated to or inclined to any political party nor does it have a say in political affair.

It was hardly 5 months the Narendra Modi government had formed. Weavers from Benaras (Varanasi) had come to Lucknow for some religious meet. They came to my shop too for buying some Chikan-kari stuff.

According to their status they purchased decently from us. But one thing was in common in them, they were were very upset with Narendra Modi in particular. They said Benarasi Handloom was at its lowest in his phase.

I was a seller, a seller has to just sell, its his / her first duty, his / her first devoir. Though i very well know as a businessman that nothing comes or goes in a second in business, it takes time either to rise or to fall, and a already risen business – Banarasi, was at sky level. Every family who wished to marry off their daughter took pride in sending her to her new home in a Benarasi saree, the business was so strong.

Benarasi also got G.I. certification from the government much before Chikan-kari, which meant that they were made secure and had no competition from outside forces, they had to compete with themselves only.

Now coming back to the reason for me to write this days’ blog.

I have continuously being reading that Benaras has attracted again many tourists & designers for Benarasi weave and silk. Here are some excerpts :






This makes me say that people who fight the odds that their markets are facing are the people who soar.

Picture Courtsey : Times of India

P.S. If the text is not very clear in some images, kindly click on the pics, they will open in new winow